-The "Pawn" buff doesn't return your max armor or give credits even after 3 maps
-For some reason when picking up a weapon while with 2 already, it may bug out all your weapons and prevent you from shooting or switching
-After picking some upgrades for your class mobility, activating mobility will be bugged and your character will not dash/blink but instead stay at the same spot
Here are some of the bugs I have encountered! - I have had it twice now, where after a level change [potentially both times after a boss level, definitely once though] where my weapon is unequipped [visually] but i can not fire or change weapon - I can drop it, but it still says i am holding it [in the bottom right] but i can not change weapon! - Plus i think the exploding dash on the 'breacher?' always says it does like 750 damage, but it pretty much always oneshots everything in the first levels before the boss and the few after it [then i have died or something to halt testing of this] - Also the holding control to show more details [like when you upgrade a skill] doesn't always show what has been upgraded, and akin to that, the shops are very obscure in what they're doing/showing you what they are going to do/have done. - Keep up the good work and I look forward to keep playing the game as it gets better and surpasses the first one :)