I like what I see from the maps, especially in the raw gameplay footage, I think that they look gritty and colorful, just like the maps of S1. This really shines through with the matte oil splatters on the shiny floor.
The lighting is really cool. The mix of light and shadows adds to the dark-but-not-depressing vibe of the original game. The contrast between indoor and outdoor areas, along with different areas will really shine through.
Inconsistent application of lighting makes some parts feel toy-like. This is especially true of the walls in the indoor areas, and all the characters. They look very plasticky and fake, especially set against the realistic ambiance.
The modeling of the characters is inconsistent with the original game. This is true both in their smaller design aspects like color and shape, and also in their overall proportions. The original robots and androids looked tough and menacing, these new ones look like action figures, and the lack of consistent lighting on them makes this look even worse.
The UI looks bad. Not just mildly different, but like, discord redesign bad. Its small and overly detailed and it lacks the perfect functionality that made the original game shine. It also dispenses with the sharp edges of the original font and replaces them with a softer, less gritty typeface. If I were in charge of this, I'd just copy paste the original game's HUD into the new game and call it a day. The new HUD is distracting, and it detracts from the game's positives.
Finally the new weapon art is atrocious, which is a shame because the original art was so good. Due to the way weapons are shown in the game, the weapon art is the players real impression of what the weapon is, and my impressions of the weapons shown (especially the **cough cough, Valorant, cough cough** Judge revolver) was not good. They lacked personality and they looked really boring.
The new graphics shine in their expansion of the realism of the game, especially that of texture and lighting. The new changes add to immersion and give the same ambiance that makes S1 a great game.
Where the changes fall short is in their adaptation of key elements in S1, chiefly, the Robots and UI. These changes do not fit the original artstyle and they feel soft, as opposed to the gritty, punishing, and tough feeling of S1.
A smart approach to fixing these issues would be a careful comparison of each new element to those of the original game. The things that have the same overall feeling stay, the things that don't go straight to the bin.
Here are my two cents:
I like what I see from the maps, especially in the raw gameplay footage, I think that they look gritty and colorful, just like the maps of S1. This really shines through with the matte oil splatters on the shiny floor.
The lighting is really cool. The mix of light and shadows adds to the dark-but-not-depressing vibe of the original game. The contrast between indoor and outdoor areas, along with different areas will really shine through.
Inconsistent application of lighting makes some parts feel toy-like. This is especially true of the walls in the indoor areas, and all the characters. They look very plasticky and fake, especially set against the realistic ambiance.
The modeling of the characters is inconsistent with the original game. This is true both in their smaller design aspects like color and shape, and also in their overall proportions. The original robots and androids looked tough and menacing, these new ones look like action figures, and the lack of consistent lighting on them makes this look even worse.
The UI looks bad. Not just mildly different, but like, discord redesign bad. Its small and overly detailed and it lacks the perfect functionality that made the original game shine. It also dispenses with the sharp edges of the original font and replaces them with a softer, less gritty typeface. If I were in charge of this, I'd just copy paste the original game's HUD into the new game and call it a day. The new HUD is distracting, and it detracts from the game's positives.
Finally the new weapon art is atrocious, which is a shame because the original art was so good. Due to the way weapons are shown in the game, the weapon art is the players real impression of what the weapon is, and my impressions of the weapons shown (especially the **cough cough, Valorant, cough cough** Judge revolver) was not good. They lacked personality and they looked really boring.
The new graphics shine in their expansion of the realism of the game, especially that of texture and lighting. The new changes add to immersion and give the same ambiance that makes S1 a great game.
Where the changes fall short is in their adaptation of key elements in S1, chiefly, the Robots and UI. These changes do not fit the original artstyle and they feel soft, as opposed to the gritty, punishing, and tough feeling of S1.
A smart approach to fixing these issues would be a careful comparison of each new element to those of the original game. The things that have the same overall feeling stay, the things that don't go straight to the bin.
looks really cool but i cant help shake the feeling that the game is happening on a kids toy mat, with plastic snap together war figures